Novostar Life

Good News: Tunisia Waives All COVID-related Entry Requirements

Good News: Tunisia Waives All COVID-related Entry Requirements

06.12.2022 Interesting

Are you going to visit Tunisia? There’s great news for you! Due to the improvement of the epidemiological situation in the country, from December 1, 2022 Tunisia waives all COVID-related entry requirements for international travelers. 

In February 2022 the government of the country eased restrictive measures aimed at countering COVID-19. Thus, the age limit that allowed tourists to enter Tunisia without being vaccinated, was raised to the age of 18. Moreover, the Tunisian Travel Locator Form (Health Form) containing information about passengers’ health, was abolished. However, all adult travelers could be subjected to selective rapid screening (TDR-Antigen) at the arrival airport.Nowadays unvaccinated tourists no longer have to take medical tests. The Tunisian authorities have also waived the requirement for all international passengers to present a vaccination passport, or a vaccination certificate in the English language.